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Zovirax Eye Ointment called Zovirax in this leaflet contains a medicine called aciclovir. This belongs to a group of medicines called antivirals. It is used to treat eye infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus.
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Twenty nine published clinical trials with acyclovir ACV ophthalmic ointment in the treatment of herpes simplex virus HSV corneal disease have been reviewed in which ACV has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of simple dendritic ulcers geographic ulcers deep corneal HSV infecti .
Zovirax Ophthalmic Ointment called Zovirax in this leaflet contains a medicine called aciclovir. This belongs to a group of medicines called antivirals. It is used to treat eye infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus. It works by killing or stopping the growth of viruses on the front of your eyeball cornea. The active substance is aciclovir. Each gram of ointment contains mg aciclovir equivalent to ww aciclovir. The other ingredient is white petrolatum.Ricerche correlate
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