June 2014

Dear Congregation

I wish you to live with Good health in the good name of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd.
In June, we did celebrate as the month for youth, we had special worship and retreat till noon by the grace of God. God was gracious to have Bro. Freddy Joseph in their midst to tell and advice on the church and it s worship, their future vision, work, discipleship.

In July, we did celebrate the month as Evangelism Month. We had special worship and sale, which was happened very well by the grace of God. On 27th, Our God blessed us to have Our Bishop Rt, Rev. V. Devashagayam visit our church and confirmed 48 into our congregation.

This month is dedicated for women and the ministries that happen amidst them There will a special Sunday for Women and Diocesan level there will be a women’s rally. I request women to prepare themselves of these.

Though God has given differences between men and women, in his sight he wants both equally and he has given the same looks as him physically. (Gen 1:27). He used both in prophetic ministry (see the book of Judges) . Women were included in his ministries by our Lord Jesus Christ (Look at Luke Chapter 8). In early church, all 4 girls of Philip were made prophets (Acts 21:9). So lets appreciate the women’s ministry. As Ida Schuder, Amy Carmichael and Mother Theresa let encourage our church women and girls to dedicate and act.

May God bless you all

Rev T. Devaputhiran.
Presbyter in Charge.